2019 Festival Registration
- Registration for the 2019 Festival is $195 per person and $95 per guest/partner.
- By registering for the Deniliquin Uke Muster Festival, you are agreeing to the Festival Terms and Conditions which can be read at the bottom of this page. Please ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions before registering.
- Every person registering for the Festival will go in the draw to win a Maton ukulele.
- Workshop numbers are limited and sessions are filled on a 'first come, first served' basis. This is based on when your registration is received so keep in mind that online registrations get to us more quickly.
- If there is no availability in your preferred workshop you will be placed in your second or third choice.
- Please look through the workshop details before commencing online registration or have the 2019 Workshops page open in a separate window. You will be asked to rate your preferences for each session and navigating away from the online form can require you to start again.
- Registrations will close on Friday 1st November or earlier if sold out.
Click here to complete your registration online (please choose your workshop preferences before starting registration):
Online Registration Form 2019
Online Registration Form 2019
By Email or Mail
Download the registration form below. It can be completed on your computer as a PDF form or printed off and filled out by hand. Send it, with payment or evidence of EFT payment, by:
- Email to [email protected]; or
- Post to PO Box 300, Deniliquin, NSW 2710.

deniukemuster2019_registrationform.pdf |
Direct Deposit
BSB: 633 000
Account number: 150 077 675
Reference: Surname and postcode.
- Please pay Direct Deposits to the following account details and send or email us a copy of the bank confirmation with your registration
BSB: 633 000
Account number: 150 077 675
Reference: Surname and postcode.
- Please make cheques payable to Deniliquin Club Ltd Ukulele Committee
- Send to PO Box 300, Deniliquin NSW 2710
Festival Terms and Conditions
Ticketing and refunds
- We are guided by the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice, and will ensure that registration and refunds comply with Australian Consumer Law.
- We may need to vary the program, schedule, workshop details, presenters or venues and, if this is the case, we can’t offer full or partial refunds.
- We will refund the amount you paid for registration if the Festival is cancelled or postponed: for any reason within our control at any time before the start date; or any reason outside of our control more than 14 days before the start date.
- We will consider all refund requests received more than 14 days before the Festival start date. If a refund is give, an administration fee of no more than 10% of the registration fee may be charged.
- If you can’t attend the Festival, you are welcome to transfer your registration to another person. Please let us know if you have done this so that we can update our information.
- No refunds can be given once the Festival starts.
- Please help us keep the Festival a relaxed and welcoming event by being friendly, helping others when it is needed, always behaving safely and respectfully and letting a committee member know if you have any concerns or complaints.
- To ensure the Festival is enjoyable for all, we may refuse entry or ask you to leave if you behave in a disorderly, offensive or inappropriate manner.
- You are responsible for any loss or damage you might cause at the Festival and for safeguarding your own property.
- We are not responsible for the actions of those providing services for the Festival, including liability for any injury, damage or loss.
- You are expected to make your own way to workshops and concerts. Please allow enough time to get there safely so that they can start on time and, if you have any concerns about venue location or distance, please ask a Festival committee member.
- By registering for the Festival, you consent to being included in any photography, video and/or sound recordings of the Festival and for these recordings to be used by us for marketing and promotional purposes, including online and in social media. Please inform us in writing before the Festival if you need to limit this consent.
- If you take any video or audio recordings of individual or small group performances at any of the events at the Festival, ensure you don’t obstruct other people’s view of the performance and please ask permission from the performers before publishing.